An immersive installation by MOF stained-glass artist Pierre Tatin, a chapel of light takes viewers into the heart of Baccarat's material, guiding them towards the garden designed by Jérémie Attali (scheduled to open in 2025).
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“Crystal awakens feelings depending on how the sun plays with its transparency and the angle of view you adopt. It's organic. The work is evolving and alive."
Pierre Tatin
A stained glass designer and restorer, and Meilleur Ouvrier de France, Pierre Tatin could not fail to be dazzled when he visited the church of Saint-Rémy in the town of Baccarat, which was classified as a historic monument in 2013. The stained glass windows are crystal slabs produced at the Baccarat factory in the 1950s, in over 150 different shades. After a lengthy selection process, the stained-glass artist recovered them with the idea of paying tribute to the richness of this color palette. Drawing on this sense of wonder, he conceived the antechamber as a structure that gives the sensation of being in a chapel of light. An immersive work of art, this room, which opens onto the garden and the boutique, is transformed into a translucent bath of color. An artistic paradox: thanks to mathematical calculations, Pierre Tatin has designed a photosensitive tree structure based on a palette of twelve colors and some forty shades. The raw vibrancy emanating from it takes the viewer right to the heart of Baccarat's material.
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Pierre Tatin
Stained-glass artist
After ten years working as a graphic designer/illustrator in Paris, Pierre Tatin decided to return to the roots of drawing and manual labor, and turned to glass painting and the creation of stained glass windows.
In 2019, he founded Atelier ST out of a passion for creation, craftsmanship and heritage, and was awarded the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France in 2023.