Harmonie On The Rocks Tumblers and Ice Bucket Set


SAR 5,700
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For those favorite « on the rocks » cocktails, Baccarat has created a set of four Harmonie tumblers accompanied by a crystal ice bucket. For those favorite « on the rocks » cocktails, Baccarat has created a suite of four Harmonie tumblers accompanied by a crystal ice bucket. The must-have set to serve your preferred drinks ice-cool. This box contains 4 Harmonie tumblers (1845261) and a Harmonie ice bucket (1894083) Harmonie is the collection for creative cocktail enthusiasts and lovers of rare whiskies.

Harmonie On The Rocks Tumblers and Ice Bucket Set  Baccarat

Harmonie On The Rocks Tum... Harmonie On The Rocks Tumblers and Ice Bucket Set

+ Engraving

SAR 5,700